Nicki Haves Physiotherapy

what to expect

On your first visit or initial assessment we will ask a lot of questions about how and when the problem started, where it hurts and what makes it feel better or worse. The more we know about your problem the easier it is for us to help you!

We will listen to what you have to say before we assess your problem and examine you; then we can talk about how we suggest treating your problem, the techniques we might use, how long it could be expected to take to get better, and what you can do at home to help yourself. We will always make sure that you leave with a clear idea of what is going on; if at any point you have a question always feel free to ask.

At the initial assessment the physiotherapist may ask you to undress to your underwear to fully assess the affected part of your body. This initial visit will usually involve assessment and treatment. After this assessment we will advise you on booking further treatment sessions, if necessary.

Our aim is to get you back to full physical fitness as quickly as possible.